Sunday, September 2, 2007

31st Aug 2007, Malaysia 50th Anniversary

For me just a normal day just like the usual day I spent but today was special due to Cosmic Gate, Thrillseekers and Drum Connection going to rock Sunway Lagoon. Something I have been looking forward to due to the previous few raves I did not manage to go. I have been looking forward for this gig.

We planned to move there at 9.00pm since many of us needed to work. I went to Roy's studio to chill around while waiting for another friend of us. We were chatting about the night and found out that MyNation's organizer was a first timer. Well, I guessed I am not going to expect much from them. First timer, for sure there will be lots of bad preparation and setup.

We reached the venue around 10.00pm. There was not much traffic jam though. Not much difficulties to get myself a space to park my car. Once we reached the entrance, it was quite empty. You won't believe it. There was no long queue in the entrance, plenty of tickets available for sale without worrying to queue up.

We took our time to head down the venue. When we were there, guessed what, half-fulled only. Well, I guessed mainly they did not do much publicity. Pretty sad to see such a crowd during rave. Where is the love, man???

The worst part was, the sound system sucks big time. We were not able to feel the base coming out. Normally in a rave, you can feel the base punching your body but this one was so bad you won't felt a thing. Talk about first timer, they really need lots of advise from the experience one.

Phynn and Drum Connection did a great job to build up the tempo. Cosmic Gate was good also, but I was expecting more from them, but they are changing their style now. Thrillseekers was awesome. Lots of nice songs being played but if their sound systems were a bit better, it will be total ownage!!!

Overall, it was good, I had a great time there also. It has been quite some times since I sweat so much. Sadly to say, we left quite early though. Probably we were too tired after a hard day of working and rushing to the rave then.

Again, a big hand to the DJs, you guys were great!!!

ps: video clips wil be uploaded soon...stay tune...

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