Sunday - Just another quiet and peaceful day for me. Spent half of the day doing some house chores; cleaning up my room, which I have not been cleaning for nearly 2 weeks, fulled will tonnes of dirty laundry need to be done, heaps of dust on my fan and floor, clearing my messy wardrobe, and not to forget stocking up my grocery.
Yeah, I know, it just sounded like I am like a woman doing all this but what can I expect, man. I am staying alone, my parents won't be coming down all the way to KL just to do this for me. Yet I don't have someone to take care of me, well, what left, only me and myself. Well, is good though, this make sure that I can be more responsibility and keeping up the whole place neat and tidy by myself without the help of any one. Yes, even though I am doing it like 2 or 3 weeks once, but at least better than nothing, right?
Right after a half day of house chores, I decided to take a rest and watch some DVD borrowed from my friend. It was nice though, and it is called "NATIONAL LAMPOON'S: VAN WILDER". Basically, it just another of those comedy-cum-teenage-love-story. Well, just to kill some times so I decided to watch it. It was pretty funny though.
The movie was about this guy called Van Wilder, who has been staying in the college for 7 years without graduating. He is very popular with his wits for bringing up the losers becoming the winners, the underdogs becomes the heroes and a virginal foreign students becoming the sickest kid in campus. He is so cool that he has a personal assistant, a nicely decorated dorm room, an immediate entree into every club committee, frathouse, etc.
Just when he thought every thing is going fine, his father decided to cut him off his tuition's fee for not graduating and staying in the college for 7 years. With the helps of his assistant and own popularity, becomes famous for throwing out awesome wicked party and by doing this, he raising funds, which enough to pay him off. Then came a blonde sexy student journlists, who's out to discover what lies beneath Van's wilder exterior. Well, if you want to know more, go and grab yourself a copy of the DVD and watch it. The movie is not the best yet but is fun to watch though, where this is one scene, which it is so sick, you feel like throwing up. Yuck!!!!
Later on the day, I just went for my gym, get myself a 6 months supplies of lens due to my current one is already infected and I have none to change until the coming Tuesday.
Although I am doing all these by myself, feeling lonely, but I am still happy with it. But seriously, when will a day that I have someone to walk with me and helping me solving all this problems?